In-situ Tests and Laboratory Investigations for Determining Engineering Design Parameters.

Our geotechnical engineering capability includes field and laboratory testing and interpreting the results for determining soil stratification, physical and strength behavior, bearing capacity, assessing risks posed by site conditions, designing earthworks and foundation structures, and monitoring site conditions. A thorough field investigation of any civil infrastructure is called for in order to avoid construction delays and cost over-runs due to unforeseen conditions in the ground. Cost-effective site investigations, combined with experienced interpretation of the data collected, is an essential element of project risk assessment and management.

We provide complete feasibility assessment, design and project management service in all aspects of ground engineering.

Field Tests

Laboratory Tests

Drilling and Sampling

Bore Hole Logging

Field Permeability Test

Standard Penetration Test

Static Cone Penetration Test

Dynamic Cone Penetration Test

Vane Shear Test

Plate Load Test

Pressure meter Test

Modulus of Sub grade Reaction (K-Value)

Bearing Ratio Test

Liquefaction Studies

Pull Out Tests on Anchors/Nails

Forensic Investigations

Insitu Density and Moisture Content

Specific Gravity

Grain Size Analysis with Hydrometer

Sedimentation Analysis

Atterberg’s Limits

Unconfined Compressive Strength

Direct Shear Test

Triaxial Shear Test

Consolidation Test

Permeability Test

Relative Density

CBR Test

Proctor Compaction test

Soil Dispersion & Collapse Potential Test

Chemical Tests on soil

cerchar Abrasivity index

River Sediment Analysis